The Ritual of Creative Mojo


What ignites YOUR creative fire?

There are countless ways to feed the muse.  Every successful artist or writer has had some kind of ritual they perform in preparation for the creative task at hand.  Writer, Mary Popova describes a few of these rituals:

Daily Rituals: A Guided Tour of Writers’ and Artists’ Creative Habits

Mine is to start the day at 5:30 am, drink some coffee, practice twenty minutes of Vipassana meditation followed by a stream of consciousness entry into my journal and then work on whatever projects are in progress (usually several at a time).  Since life has a sneaky way of slipping in to distract me and morning is the only time I have available for art or writing, this ritual keeps me on task.

So here’s an idea – let’s dance around our creative fires together; post your ritual as a comment and share the mojo!

One thought on “The Ritual of Creative Mojo

  1. That is a great idea. But currently, my ritual tends to be to do everything but right until I have it all as pulled together as I can, then sit down and right.

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